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Can You Get Fired For Discrimination?

Gavel & Law Books - The Law Offices of Usmaan Sleemi

Understanding Employment Discrimination Laws in New Jersey

In New Jersey, it’s vital to be aware of the relevant discrimination laws as employment discrimination remains a prevalent issue. Discrimination occurs when an employer unlawfully biases against a current or prospective employee based on factors like race, color, religion, sex, age (40 or older), national origin, disability, or genetic information. These discriminatory actions are prohibited in every aspect of employment, from job ads and recruitment to training, job assignments, pay, and benefits.

Punishment for Discrimination: Seeking Justice

When discrimination is proven, the law aims to restore the victim to the position they would have been in if discrimination had not occurred. Depending on the specific case, various remedies are available, including placement in the job, back pay, and benefits. The employer must cease discriminatory practices and take measures to prevent future instances. In some cases, victims may also receive compensatory damages to cover out-of-pocket expenses and emotional harm suffered.

Potential Employer Penalties

While there is no law specifically requiring someone to be fired for discrimination, an employer may choose to terminate a manager or employee engaged in discriminatory actions. However, employers may face financial penalties, as well as possible punitive damages if the discrimination was particularly malicious or reckless.

Seek Legal Support

If you have experienced workplace discrimination, whether or not the perpetrator is fired depends on the employer’s decision, as long as it is not illegal. However, your employer may still face significant penalties under state or federal law.

At The Law Offices of Usmaan Sleemi, our experienced employment lawyers have a successful track record in handling challenging discrimination cases. We can help you understand your rights, assess your situation, and seek the justice you deserve. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call (973) 833-3459. Don’t tolerate discrimination; take action and protect your rights with our dedicated legal representation.